Dinner with Friends
By Donald Margulies Dinner with Friends is a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind. As two couples navigate the fallout of...
By Donald Margulies Dinner with Friends is a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind. As two couples navigate the fallout of...
By Donald Margulies Dinner with Friends is a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind. As two couples navigate the fallout of...
By Donald Margulies Dinner with Friends is a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind. As two couples navigate the fallout of...
By Donald Margulies Dinner with Friends is a heartwarming yet poignant comedy about the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the ties that bind. As two couples navigate the fallout of...
"The Cottage" is a brand-new, side-splitting romp! Written by Sandy Rustin (Clue), this ridiculously funny romantic comedy calls into question fate and faith, identity and infidelity, and love and marriage as a surprising and riotous web of secrets unravels.
"The Cottage" is a brand-new, side-splitting romp! Written by Sandy Rustin (Clue), this ridiculously funny romantic comedy calls into question fate and faith, identity and infidelity, and love and marriage as a surprising and riotous web of secrets unravels.
"The Cottage" is a brand-new, side-splitting romp! Written by Sandy Rustin (Clue), this ridiculously funny romantic comedy calls into question fate and faith, identity and infidelity, and love and marriage as a surprising and riotous web of secrets unravels.
"The Cottage" is a brand-new, side-splitting romp! Written by Sandy Rustin (Clue), this ridiculously funny romantic comedy calls into question fate and faith, identity and infidelity, and love and marriage as a surprising and riotous web of secrets unravels.
"The Cottage" is a brand-new, side-splitting romp! Written by Sandy Rustin (Clue), this ridiculously funny romantic comedy calls into question fate and faith, identity and infidelity, and love and marriage as a surprising and riotous web of secrets unravels.
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