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Two Thousand Feet Beneath the Arctic Circle: Adventures Delivering Humanitarian Aid

By January 3, 2023Uncategorized

After the Soviet Union disintegrated, the U.S. provided extensive food and medical support to the newly independent former satellites. 

This class is an account of one team’s extended trip to coordinate deliveries and ensure the integrity of the aid program. It presents an overview of this effort and some “adventures” the team experienced along the way.  

John Gilbert helped conduct thirty-five arms control inspections in the former  Soviet Union. In 1992, he led the U.S. assistance team which operated north of the  Arctic Circle coordinating deliveries of food and medical supplies to the newly freed Soviet satellite states.  

One Session: 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Monday, March 6 

TidePointe (Second right off Point Comfort Road.)