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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Culture HHI - ECPv6.3.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Culture HHI X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://culturehhi.org X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Culture HHI REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20210314T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20211107T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20220313T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20221106T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210831T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210831T160000 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20210611T155857Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210611T160058Z UID:36544-1630404000-1630425600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Art Quilters of the Lowcountry Exhibit DESCRIPTION:View the artwork of local art group\, Art Quilters of the Lowcountry\, from August 31 to September 25\, 2021. Art League Gallery is open Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm\, Sunday 12-4pm\, and 90 minutes before every Arts Center performance. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday\, September 8\, from 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/art-quilters-of-the-lowcountry-exhibit/2021-08-31/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1-inch-small-LOGO.png GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211001T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211001T193000 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20210611T161104Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210611T161104Z UID:36622-1633109400-1633116600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Got Art? 2021 DESCRIPTION:For just $100\, you can buy a ticket to one of the island’s most popular events. A ticket guarantees you a piece of art created by a local artist valued at $200 or more. Get your ticket early\, this event is usually a sell-out! URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/got-art-2021/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Got-Art-Logo.png GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211005T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211005T160000 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20210611T161524Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210611T161654Z UID:36625-1633428000-1633449600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Julie Oliver Exhibit DESCRIPTION:View the artwork of local artist Julie Oliver from October 5-30\, 2021. Art League Gallery is open Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm\, Sunday 12-4pm\, and 90 minutes before every Arts Center performance. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday\, October 6\, from 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/36625/2021-10-05/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1-inch-small-LOGO.png GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211102T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211102T160000 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20210611T171639Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210708T184943Z UID:36678-1635847200-1635868800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Sheri Farbstein Exhibit DESCRIPTION:View the artwork of local artist Sheri Farbstein from November 2-27\, 2021. Art League Gallery is open Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm\, Sunday 12-4pm\, and 90 minutes before every Arts Center performance. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday\, November 10\, from 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/sheri-farbstein-exhibit/2021-11-02/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:crescendo 2021,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1-inch-small-LOGO.png GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20211130T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20211130T160000 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20210611T173251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210611T173251Z UID:36705-1638266400-1638288000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Gallery of Gifts Exhibit DESCRIPTION:Find the perfect gift and holiday decor made by local artists at the “Gallery of Gifts” exhibit from November 30 through December 31\, 2021. Art League Gallery is open Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm\, Sunday 12-4pm\, and 90 minutes before every Arts Center performance. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday\, December 8\, from 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/gallery-of-gifts-exhibit/2021-11-30/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1-inch-small-LOGO.png GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220602 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T192955Z UID:42578-1654041600-1654127999@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-01/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220602 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220603 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193003Z UID:42582-1654128000-1654214399@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-02/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220603 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220604 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193004Z UID:42583-1654214400-1654300799@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-03/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220604 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220605 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193005Z UID:42584-1654300800-1654387199@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-04/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220605 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220606 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193006Z UID:42585-1654387200-1654473599@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-05/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220606 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220607 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193007Z UID:42586-1654473600-1654559999@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-06/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220607 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220608 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193007Z UID:42587-1654560000-1654646399@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-07/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220608 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220609 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193008Z UID:42588-1654646400-1654732799@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-08/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220609 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220610 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193009Z UID:42589-1654732800-1654819199@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-09/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220610 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220611 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193010Z UID:42590-1654819200-1654905599@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-10/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220611 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220612 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193010Z UID:42591-1654905600-1654991999@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-11/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220612 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220613 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193018Z UID:42592-1654992000-1655078399@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-12/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220613 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220614 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193019Z UID:42593-1655078400-1655164799@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-13/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220614 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220615 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193020Z UID:42594-1655164800-1655251199@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-14/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220615 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220616 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193021Z UID:42595-1655251200-1655337599@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-15/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220616 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220617 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193022Z UID:42596-1655337600-1655423999@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-16/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220617 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220618 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193022Z UID:42597-1655424000-1655510399@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-17/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220618 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220619 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193023Z UID:42598-1655510400-1655596799@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-18/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220619 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220620 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193024Z UID:42599-1655596800-1655683199@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-19/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220620 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220621 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193025Z UID:42600-1655683200-1655769599@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-20/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220621 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220622 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193025Z UID:42601-1655769600-1655855999@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-21/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220622 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220623 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193028Z UID:42602-1655856000-1655942399@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-22/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220623 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220624 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193029Z UID:42603-1655942400-1656028799@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-23/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220624 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220625 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193029Z UID:42604-1656028800-1656115199@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-24/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220625 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220626 DTSTAMP:20240603T031623 CREATED:20220531T205450Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220602T193030Z UID:42605-1656115200-1656201599@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Hitnes\, The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon DESCRIPTION:The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon features work by the Italian artist Hitnes. The exhibition is a culmination of The Image Hunter project\, in which Hitnes retraced Audubon’s travels in the United States and created work during a residency at the Halsey Institute at the College of Charleston in 2017 and 2018. The Coastal Discovery Museum is pleased to host the final stop on this national touring exhibition from April 23-July 3\, 2022. \nIn the early half of the nineteenth century\, John James Audubon spent decades tracking birds and drawing them\, hoping to create a compendium of all of the birds in the United States. Nearly two hundred years later\, the Italian painter and muralist Hitnes embarked on a twenty-city road trip to retrace and rediscover the America that Audubon traversed in the making of his opus The Birds of America (1827-39). Traveling along Audubon’s exploratory routes\, Hitnes observed\, sketched\, and painted what he saw\, creating an updated visual documentation of Audubon’s birds. \nHitnes’s exhibition documents his journey\, elaborating on what it is that drives a person to dedicate multiple decades of their life to pursuing an obsession like Audubon did. \nFrom April 19-29\, Hitnes will also paint three permanent murals on the Honey Horn property. The public is encouraged to visit the museum and see Hitnes at work. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/hitnes-the-image-hunter-on-the-trail-of-john-james-audubon/2022-06-25/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Environment,History, Science, & Literature,Nature,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/5_Green-Heron-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR