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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Culture HHI - ECPv6.3.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://culturehhi.org X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Culture HHI REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20210314T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20211107T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20220313T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20221106T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210703T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210703T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20210616T185904Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210616T190857Z UID:36922-1625310000-1625328000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Gullah Museum Grand Re-opening Celebration DESCRIPTION:The Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island will be having its Grand Reopening Celebration on July the 3rd from 11AM to 4PM. The event will take place on the museum site located at 12 Georgianna Drive off of Gumtree Rd. Live performances by Q-Smalls\, Beth Inabinett\, Lavon Stevens\, Jamal Toure and music by DJ OJ. Parking will be available at the Boys & Girls Club located at 151 Gumtree Rd. A shuttle will also be provided for those who need transportation to the museum site. For additional information\, please call 843-681-3254. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/grand-re-opening-celebration/ CATEGORIES:Education,Gullah,Heritage,Live Music,Music,Public Performance END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210726T203000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20210623T202418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210623T202458Z UID:37060-1627327800-1627331400@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:The Voices of El Shaddai: Our Roots. Our Voices. Our Journey. DESCRIPTION:AWARD-WINNING GOSPEL CHOIR\nJULY 26 • 7:30PM\n\nWhether you’re a devoted fan or just learning about these Lowcountry icons\, you don’t want to miss the Voices of El Shaddai performing on July 26. The award-winning gospel choir is back at the Arts Center to wow audiences with their praise-worthy performance\, Our Roots. Our Voices. Our Journey.  \nThe “voices” first came together in the early 1990s\, when a handful of all-star singers from local churches decided they had more songs to sing and more joy to share than that which could be contained in a Sunday service. Since then\, El Shaddai has been lifting spirits for nearly thirty years and the Hilton Head arts scene has been undoubtedly enriched because of it. \nWhile audiences can always expect transcendent harmonies and powerhouse vocals at their shows\, El Shaddai’s mission extends beyond their soulful sound. The gospel group is also committed to advocating\, educating\, and maintaining Gullah Geechee musical art forms and culture.  \nThe story of the Gullah people began between the late 17th and the mid-18th century\, as thousands of enslaved Africans survived the middle passage to reach south Atlantic shores. Due to the relative isolation of the Sea Islands like Hilton Head Island\, these Western Africans were able to preserve their own languages\, dialects\, and thus many African traditions. Thanks to perseverance of Native Islanders\, the Gullah legacy has not only survived\, but still flourishes today. \nSince 75% of the El Shaddai are Native Islanders and several are multi-generational\, their unique repertoire blends the songs of traditional spirituals and contemporary gospel\, while incorporating the vibrant history of Gullah Geechee. \nOur Roots. Our Voices. Our Journey. — their upcoming show — celebrates the group’s beginnings\, their evolution\, and a spirit of renewal. Interspersed between songs\, performers will share anecdotes\, histories\, and musings about what has led the El Shaddai to this present moment and what will galvanize them toward tomorrow.  URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/the-voices-of-el-shaddai-our-roots-our-voices-our-journey/ LOCATION:Arts Center of Coastal Carolina\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29928\, United States CATEGORIES:Gullah,Heritage,History,Live Music,Music,Performing Arts,Song END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220226T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220226T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220110T145830Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220110T150852Z UID:38799-1645880400-1645891200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Celebration of African American Authors DESCRIPTION:Learn from African American authors about the inspiration for their latest books or get tips from a publishing coach for your upcoming book. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/taste-of-gullah-2-2/ LOCATION:Custom Audio Video\, 14 Pennington Drive\, Ste B\, Bluffton\, SC\, United States CATEGORIES:Festival,Gullah,Heritage,History,Music,Performing Arts,Things To Do,Virtual ORGANIZER;CN="Hilton Head Island Gullah Celebration":MAILTO:info@nibcaa.org END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220611T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220611T123000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220523T180552Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230213T183459Z UID:42321-1654943400-1654950600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Sweetgrass Basket Making Classes at Coastal Discovery Museum DESCRIPTION:The Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head Island will offer Sweetgrass Basket Making classes this summer on select Saturdays from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm.  You will learn about the history of the Sweetgrass basket\, one of the Lowcountry’s best known art forms\, from a local Gullah basket maker.  Then\, try your hand at starting a basket of your own using locally found natural materials. \nThe cost is $75 per person and and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/sweetgrass-basket-making-classes-at-coastal-discovery-museum/2022-06-11/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Gullah,Visual Arts,Workshops ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Dino-and-Michael.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220617T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220617T210000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220401T212624Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220401T214051Z UID:41722-1655492400-1655499600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom & Harriet Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy - Documentary Screenings DESCRIPTION:Experience two epic documentaries! \nA fascinating look back at the origins and history behind the newest American holiday – Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom\, which is the oldest and longest celebrated holiday in the US. \nHarriett Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She also came to Hilton Head and Beaufort and was the first black woman to be a part of US military operations\, including the Combahee River Raid\, which rescued close to 750 enslaved people. Journey through her incredible life story at the premiere of the documentary\, Harriett Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy. \nScreening fundraiser with proceeds to benefit the Lowcountry Gullah Foundation | Historic Gullah Land Preservation Program. \n  \nFor more information on saving Gullah land – www.historiclandpreservation.org URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/juneteenth-the-birth-of-freedom-harriet-tubman-from-the-railroad-to-a-spy-documentary-screenings/2022-06-17/ LOCATION:Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr\, Hilton Head Island\, SC 29928\, United States\, 8 N Forest Beach Dr\, United States\, 3401 1st St NW\, United States CATEGORIES:Documentary Films,Film,Gullah,History,Movies,Things To Do,Visual Arts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/june-movies-coligny-2160-×-1080-px-1.png GEO:47.258931;-122.585949 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr Hilton Head Island SC 29928 United States 8 N Forest Beach Dr United States 3401 1st St NW United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=3401 1st St NW:geo:-122.585949,47.258931 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220618T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220618T190000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220401T212624Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220401T212624Z UID:41747-1655571600-1655578800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom & Harriet Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy - Documentary Screenings DESCRIPTION:Experience two epic documentaries! \nA fascinating look back at the origins and history behind the newest American holiday – Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom\, which is the oldest and longest celebrated holiday in the US. \nHarriett Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She also came to Hilton Head and Beaufort and was the first black woman to be a part of US military operations\, including the Combahee River Raid\, which rescued close to 750 enslaved people. Journey through her incredible life story at the premiere of the documentary\, Harriett Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy. \nScreening fundraiser with proceeds to benefit the Lowcountry Gullah Foundation | Historic Gullah Land Preservation Program. \n  \nFor more information on saving Gullah land – www.historiclandpreservation.org URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/juneteenth-the-birth-of-freedom-harriet-tubman-from-the-railroad-to-a-spy-documentary-screenings/2022-06-18/ LOCATION:Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr\, Hilton Head Island\, SC 29928\, United States\, 8 N Forest Beach Dr\, United States\, 3401 1st St NW\, United States CATEGORIES:Documentary Films,Film,Gullah,History,Movies,Things To Do,Visual Arts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/june-movies-coligny-2160-×-1080-px-1.png GEO:47.258931;-122.585949 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr Hilton Head Island SC 29928 United States 8 N Forest Beach Dr United States 3401 1st St NW United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=3401 1st St NW:geo:-122.585949,47.258931 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220618T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220618T210000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220401T212624Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220401T214056Z UID:41729-1655578800-1655586000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom & Harriet Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy - Documentary Screenings DESCRIPTION:Experience two epic documentaries! \nA fascinating look back at the origins and history behind the newest American holiday – Juneteenth | The Birth of Freedom\, which is the oldest and longest celebrated holiday in the US. \nHarriett Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She also came to Hilton Head and Beaufort and was the first black woman to be a part of US military operations\, including the Combahee River Raid\, which rescued close to 750 enslaved people. Journey through her incredible life story at the premiere of the documentary\, Harriett Tubman | From the Railroad to a Spy. \nScreening fundraiser with proceeds to benefit the Lowcountry Gullah Foundation | Historic Gullah Land Preservation Program. \n  \nFor more information on saving Gullah land – www.historiclandpreservation.org URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/juneteenth-the-birth-of-freedom-harriet-tubman-from-the-railroad-to-a-spy-documentary-screenings/2022-06-18/2/ LOCATION:Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr\, Hilton Head Island\, SC 29928\, United States\, 8 N Forest Beach Dr\, United States\, 3401 1st St NW\, United States CATEGORIES:Documentary Films,Film,Gullah,History,Movies,Things To Do,Visual Arts ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/june-movies-coligny-2160-×-1080-px-1.png GEO:47.258931;-122.585949 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Coligny Theatre 1 N Forest Beach Dr Hilton Head Island SC 29928 United States 8 N Forest Beach Dr United States 3401 1st St NW United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=3401 1st St NW:geo:-122.585949,47.258931 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220625T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220625T123000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220523T180552Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230213T183506Z UID:42323-1656153000-1656160200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Sweetgrass Basket Making Classes at Coastal Discovery Museum DESCRIPTION:The Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head Island will offer Sweetgrass Basket Making classes this summer on select Saturdays from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm.  You will learn about the history of the Sweetgrass basket\, one of the Lowcountry’s best known art forms\, from a local Gullah basket maker.  Then\, try your hand at starting a basket of your own using locally found natural materials. \nThe cost is $75 per person and and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/sweetgrass-basket-making-classes-at-coastal-discovery-museum/2022-06-25/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Gullah,Visual Arts,Workshops ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Dino-and-Michael.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220706T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220706T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43004-1657101600-1657123200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-06/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220706T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220706T190000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T171302Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T171302Z UID:43045-1657126800-1657134000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith Reception DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith-reception/ LOCATION:Art League Gallery CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-DE-GATHERING-OF-WISDOM.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220707T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220707T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43015-1657188000-1657209600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-07/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220708T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220708T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43016-1657274400-1657296000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-08/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220709T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220709T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43017-1657360800-1657382400@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-09/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220709T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220709T123000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220523T180552Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230213T183507Z UID:42324-1657362600-1657369800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:Sweetgrass Basket Making Classes at Coastal Discovery Museum DESCRIPTION:The Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head Island will offer Sweetgrass Basket Making classes this summer on select Saturdays from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm.  You will learn about the history of the Sweetgrass basket\, one of the Lowcountry’s best known art forms\, from a local Gullah basket maker.  Then\, try your hand at starting a basket of your own using locally found natural materials. \nThe cost is $75 per person and and reservations are required by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/sweetgrass-basket-making-classes-at-coastal-discovery-museum/2022-07-09/ LOCATION:Coastal Discovery Museum\, 70 Honey Horn Drive\, Hilton Head Island\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Gullah,Visual Arts,Workshops ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Dino-and-Michael.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220710T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220710T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43018-1657454400-1657468800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-10/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220711T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220711T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43019-1657533600-1657555200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-11/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220712T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220712T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43020-1657620000-1657641600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-12/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220713T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220713T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43021-1657706400-1657728000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-13/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220713T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220713T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43022-1657713600-1657728000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-13/2/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220714T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220714T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43023-1657792800-1657814400@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-14/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220715T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220715T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43024-1657879200-1657900800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-15/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220716T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220716T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43025-1657965600-1657987200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-16/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220717T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220717T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43026-1658059200-1658073600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-17/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220718T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220718T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43027-1658138400-1658160000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-18/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220719T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220719T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43028-1658224800-1658246400@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-19/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220720T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220720T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43029-1658311200-1658332800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-20/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220720T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220720T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43030-1658318400-1658332800@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-20/3/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220721T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220721T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43031-1658397600-1658419200@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-21/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220722T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220722T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43032-1658484000-1658505600@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-22/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220723T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220723T160000 DTSTAMP:20240513T141656 CREATED:20220623T170848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220623T170848Z UID:43033-1658570400-1658592000@culturehhi.org SUMMARY:How We Git Gullah by Saundra Renee Smith DESCRIPTION:Teaching the Meaning of Family \nHow We Git Gullah opens July 6 at Art League Gallery \n  \nSaundra Renee Smith\, local Gullah artist\, captures the essence of being an authentic Gullah/Geechee native of the Lowcountry in How We Git Gullah\, an exhibit at Art League this July. \n  \nSmith’s work is nostalgic\, showing simplistic and innocent scenes of a symbiotic existence with the earth\, guided by the wisdom of the ancients. Inspired by the beauty of her native St. Helena\, Smith’s paintings feature lush\, green fields\, moss-covered oaks\, and rivers “carrying food\, health\, and Gullah folk tales on every tide.” She uses colorful acrylic paints and mixed media on all manner of materials\, including canvas\, board\, glass\, vinyl and tin. \n  \nGullah means “kinfolk.” How We Git Gullah is a tribute to the notion of a cultural family with a homeland ranging down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida in a swath known as the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Corridor. The exhibit will have short stories of Gullah life interspersed among the artworks. “My aim is to foster communication\, connections\, and a sense of cultural humility\,” says Smith. \n  \nHow We Git Gullah will be on exhibit July 6-August 13\, 2022 at Art League of Hilton Head. An opening reception\, free and open to the public\, will be held Wednesday\, July 6\, 5-7pm. URL:https://culturehhi.org/event/how-we-git-gullah-by-saundra-renee-smith/2022-07-23/ LOCATION:ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD\, 14 Shelter Cove Lane\, Hilton Head\, SC\, 29926\, United States CATEGORIES:Arts Educations & Support Organizations,Gullah,Things To Do,Visual Arts,Visual Arts & Photography ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://culturehhi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Saundra-Renee-Smith-HOW-WE-GIT-GULLAH-scaled.jpg GEO:32.17829;-80.728115 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=ART LEAGUE OF HILTON HEAD 14 Shelter Cove Lane Hilton Head SC 29926 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=14 Shelter Cove Lane:geo:-80.728115,32.17829 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR